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Millennials or Humans?

By August 8, 2018October 9th, 2019No Comments

In support of my recently launched leadership mentor program, I’ve been doing research on the “Millennial turnover problem” and discovered that it’s costing companies $30 billion dollars annually.

Turns out that 60% of Millennials are open to a new job and 21% have changed jobs within the past year; one article claims that Millennials are the least engaged generation in the workplace.

When considering these record breaking statistics, it’s nearly impossible for employers to think strategically when more than half of their high-potential workforce is emotionally disconnected to the company goals.

However, when the same studies suggest that Millennials have very specific needs and desires that include wanting sufficient training, to connect to their core values, clearly set goals and expectations and to work for leaders who are invested in their success, the question becomes, “what are organizations doing to meet their needs?”.

I share more of my thoughts…

After you’ve watched the video, here are some things for you to consider…

It doesn’t take a long time to implement an effective leadership development program; it’s just a matter of finding the right one.

Here’s a list of 5 criteria to consider when choosing programs that will develop leaders at all levels of your organization.

  • Find intuitive and flexible learning platforms
  • Appeal to different learning styles
  • Ensure that a clear, unified message is delivered
  • Provide a shared, consistent experience
  • Connect individuals to a larger community

At the end of the day, you want to empower your teams and individuals to become confident, influential leaders and create productive environments where the best ideas can quickly rise to the top.

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