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Individual Coaching

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Throughout our coaching partnership, we’ll integrate a carefully crafted program that will help you reach and
possibly exceed your goals. We’ll focus on the present moment and work through any challenging issues that

are impeding your progress, while always keeping your end goals in mind.


The standard coaching program is a wonderful and proven way to elevate your leadership and
business skills. The objectives and intentions of the program is to implement a steady, customized,
incremental growth strategy, ensure that you follow through on the plan we create together and
guide you through all facets of your journey. We focus on the present moment and work through any
challenging issues that are impeding your progress, while always keeping the end goals in mind. The
program fully supports individuals who possess exceptional work habits, a willingness to expand their
horizons and a strong desire to improve their circumstances and themselves.


• 180 Coaching phone minutes/month
• Enrollment Assessment
• Unlimited text, email and Voxer support

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The expert coaching program dives deeper into identifying your strengths and qualities, while integrating masterful exercises that help you define a clear vision of your future. The expert program includes all the elements of the standard program, a strength assessment, vision work and weekly progress reports that keep you aligned on next steps and supports your growth as an expert communicator. The intention is to identify, explore, and integrate personal and professional growth opportunities and potential strategic partnerships to assist you in scaling your business.


• 200 Coaching phone minutes/month
• Enrollment Assessment
• Unlimited text, email and Voxer support
• Weekly progress reports
• Strength Assessment exercise
• Mapping out a vision of your future (Ideal Scenes)
• Goal Planning and Execution

[vc_btn title=”APPLY” style=”custom” custom_background=”#b20000″ custom_text=”#ffffff” shape=”square” size=”lg” align=”center” css=”.vc_custom_1533932893305{padding-top: 5% !important;}” link=”||target:%20_blank|”]

To achieve Jedi status is no small task and requires a deep dive into all facets of your life. Through the Jedi coaching program, we will take the deep dive and commit to the ultimate level of personal coaching and business growth strategy available. In many respects, the Jedi coaching program feels very similar to the expert coaching program; however, it provides a deeper, more integrative process by offering an extensive 2-day immersion that, through careful dissection, positions your business for conscious and strategic growth and takes a close look at your personal relationship to it. Along with this, it offers a client leadership assessment program, in which some of the closest people in your life are asked to provide invaluable feedback on your leadership and business capabilities. We utilize all of this information, as well as a comprehensive and carefully crafted coaching process to keep you accountable and position you for huge growth in all facets of your life.


• 200 Coaching phone minutes/month
• Enrollment Assessment
• Unlimited text, email and Voxer support
• Weekly progress reports
• Strength Assessment exercise
• Mapping out a vision of your future (Ideal Scenes)
• Goal Planning and Execution
• Peer Interviews – Client Leadership Assessment
• 1 or 2 Day Business Strategy Immersion Program

[vc_btn title=”APPLY” style=”custom” custom_background=”#b20000″ custom_text=”#ffffff” shape=”square” size=”lg” align=”center” css=”.vc_custom_1533932916225{padding-top: 5% !important;}” link=”||target:%20_blank|”]

The standard coaching program is a wonderful and proven way to elevate your leadership and
business skills. The objectives and intentions of the program is to implement a steady, customized,
incremental growth strategy, ensure that you follow through on the plan we create together and
guide you through all facets of your journey. We focus on the present moment and work through any
challenging issues that are impeding your progress, while always keeping the end goals in mind. The
program fully supports individuals who possess exceptional work habits, a willingness to expand their
horizons and a strong desire to improve their circumstances and themselves.


• 180 Coaching phone minutes/month
• Enrollment Assessment
• Unlimited text, email and Voxer support

[vc_btn title=”APPLY” style=”custom” custom_background=”#b20000″ custom_text=”#ffffff” shape=”square” size=”lg” align=”center” css=”.vc_custom_1533932753458{padding-top: 5% !important;}” link=”||target:%20_blank|”]

The expert coaching program dives deeper into identifying your strengths and qualities, while integrating masterful exercises that help you define a clear vision of your future. The expert program includes all the elements of the standard program, a strength assessment, vision work and weekly progress reports that keep you aligned on next steps and supports your growth as an expert communicator. The intention is to identify, explore, and integrate personal and professional growth opportunities and potential strategic partnerships to assist you in scaling your business.


• 200 Coaching phone minutes/month
• Enrollment Assessment
• Unlimited text, email and Voxer support
• Weekly progress reports
• Strength Assessment exercise
• Mapping out a vision of your future (Ideal Scenes)
• Goal Planning and Execution

[vc_btn title=”APPLY” style=”custom” custom_background=”#b20000″ custom_text=”#ffffff” shape=”square” size=”lg” align=”center” css=”.vc_custom_1533932893305{padding-top: 5% !important;}” link=”||target:%20_blank|”]

To achieve Jedi status is no small task and requires a deep dive into all facets of your life. Through the Jedi coaching program, we will take the deep dive and commit to the ultimate level of personal coaching and business growth strategy available. In many respects, the Jedi coaching program feels very similar to the expert coaching program; however, it provides a deeper, more integrative process by offering an extensive 2-day immersion that, through careful dissection, positions your business for conscious and strategic growth and takes a close look at your personal relationship to it. Along with this, it offers a client leadership assessment program, in which some of the closest people in your life are asked to provide invaluable feedback on your leadership and business capabilities. We utilize all of this information, as well as a comprehensive and carefully crafted coaching process to keep you accountable and position you for huge growth in all facets of your life.


• 200 Coaching phone minutes/month
• Enrollment Assessment
• Unlimited text, email and Voxer support
• Weekly progress reports
• Strength Assessment exercise
• Mapping out a vision of your future (Ideal Scenes)
• Goal Planning and Execution
• Peer Interviews – Client Leadership Assessment
• 1 or 2 Day Business Strategy Immersion Program

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Happy Clients

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Adam helped me maintain a mental edge and grow my business to one of
the largest Lacrosse companies in California.

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Mat Ogelsby, Founder
All West Lacrosse

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• Commit to being present with the NOW

• Identify the areas of your life and business where you’re feeling stuck

• Accesses where there’s huge opportunity for growth in all facets of your life

• Get crystal clear on and create a plan to knock your personal and business goals out of the park

• Focus on incremental growth with the understanding that growth is a process, not an event

• Greatly improve your life by tapping into your values and doing the things that bring you fulfillment

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What to Expect

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• Support you in making a life changing investment in yourself

• Guide you to realize and access the leadership power that already resides within you

• Assist you in designing a clear pathway to consciously grow your business

• Expedite your discovery of new strategies, perspectives and creative direction

• Facilitate you in advancing to higher levels in your career and life

• Propel you to becoming an extraordinary and passionate leader

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Who I Work With

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My one-on-one clients are high performing individuals
consisting of entrepreneurs, startup founders, senior level
executives, individuals who are successful at their craft, and
savvy leaders looking to make a shift in their life.

These individuals possess exceptional work habits, a willingness
to expand their horizons and a strong desire to
They choose to work with me when they are ready to take their
leadership game to the next level.

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The Results

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By committing to one of the 3 individual coaching programs, you can expect to:

• Gain greater self-awareness
• Have deeper connection to yourself and others
• Become a more compassionate and empathic listener
• Develop into a more thoughtful communicator
• Establish clear, achievable and incremental goals
• Create a more efficient and effective business
• Successfully navigate through life’s transitions
• Reframe mistakes as learning opportunities
• Perceive issues from multiple perspectives
• Courageously tap into your authentic self
• Take calculated risks
• Expand your mind and spirit
• Reach new levels of creativity
• Make conscious decisions with clarity and focus

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Let's Do This!

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I’ve supported many successful individuals who have made the choice to scale their business and become
extraordinary and passionate leaders. I’d love to help you make that leap as well.

I work with a limited number of clients at a time who are committed to being held accountable, showing up
100% for each session, and are willing to be break out of their comfort zone.

If you’re a high performing individual, and this sounds like an amazing opportunity for you, I say…

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